Monday, 20 December 2010


We all wish you a fantastic Christmas holidays!!
See you in Italy!!

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Seasons greetings*****

Hello! Hola!Feliz navidad !
Buongiorno à tutti e Buon natale!

It's snowing heavy here in Reims and it's time to rest and let it snow , let it snow let it snow.....

Your staging of the play seems great, do you have a video about it, or maybe some extracts?

Here is the link of the "Reims scènes d'Europe " festival which is held every year and has just finished.

We did it again! Last thursday our theater students presented "Golfes de Roma! a version of "Something funny happened on the way to the forum"

Our students from the scenic studies performed last thursday a version of a comedy of Plautus, the classical roman writer. They did a great job! And the public had a very good time!

Saturday, 11 December 2010

An interview about the local changes

Three pupils from the club asked questions to pupils of 6ème ( aged 11years old)about the changes in the district of Orgeval. Here is the interview they made.

Interview made by Sarah Baitiche, Yasmina Lecomte with the contribution of Khadidja Mohamed.

"We, Sarah and yasmina, pupils of 3ème D and 4ème C have interviewed 4 pupils of 6ème C ( Priscillia, Melek, Chella and Nabil) who have worked on the study of the urban landscape and the renovation of the Orgeval district, with their History and Geographgy teacher, Mr Malecha.

Here are the questions we asked them :
1. What change is the tram going to bring in the district?

Chella : "more choices as far as transport is concerned. The former blocks of flats will be replaced or renovated "
Melek : "The gym of Gallieni school has been renovated"

2. What will replace the former buildings?
Nabil : "environmentally friendly houses and much smaller buildings"

3. In which part of the district would you rather live? "
Priscillia : "in the Poincarré area because there are more green spaces and it's better upkept"

4. Where is the fresco designed by pupils from the Collège located?
Nabil : "the fresco is visible on the boiler room, it's more beautiful now because of the vivid coulours"
5. Do you think it's a long the way to go to the city centre by bus ?
Do you think it will be shorter by tram?
Chella and Melek : "yes, i think it's long , it will be sohoter by tram but it will also be more expensive"

The pupils we interviewed are concerned about the changes brought into the district, especially : the fresco, the renovation of the buildings and of the gym and also by the building of environmentally friendly buildings.

We found them serious and motivated along the interview and we thank them for their contribution."

Wednesday, 10 November 2010


Last 29th of October we visited the Center of Contemporary Art La Panera in Lleida, in an activity of the Comenius project CHANGE BY ART.

Both exhibitions, IMATGES I SONS EN EXTINCIÓ and MITJANIT A LA CIUTAT, are useful for us to work through concepts about our project as metamorphosis, change, sustainability and space. The first year students are developing a sonorous and image project about daily sounds and places they want to preserve, and daily sounds and places that are dangerous for our survival. With their recorded sounds and pictures we will build a sonorous map of our region.

In addition to that, they are working on literary compositions around the Mitjanit a la ciutat (midnight in the city) from the idea of the night as a changing and metamorphosis moment of the reality.

For the moment, and as an introduction to all this interesting works, here you have the grafhic view of the visit and both exhibitions from the objective of GEMMA COSTA, first year student. Enjoy them, they are great!:

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Here's our new Comenius assistant DOMINIC

Hello from Spain!

As you know this year we have an english assistant thanks to the Comenius project we are developing. We want to present him to you: his name is Dominic and he's from Bucarest.
This week he has been explaining to the students of the first year the big bang theory in english.
Here you have some photos of the new students with Dominic in the classroom.

Friday, 15 October 2010


The Comenius Club from Collège Jb Colbert gathered today to discuss the upcoming activities, lots of ideas from our pupils who look enthusiastic and full of beans!

Take a look to our virtual exhibition!!

Have a nice trip!

Friday, 8 October 2010

Samara, Yanis and Salim

We are people of 3éme in the junior high school COLBERT. We are new members of the COMENIUS project. We love Art and English.
Samara is 14 years old, she is beautiful and she loves practising sport. Salim and I are the best friends in the world. Salim practises football, and I, Yanis, practise judo and breakdance.
My name is Quentin.
I am thirteen years. I love animals and playing football.I like sport and the Spanish language. I am in 4ème, in junior high school Jb Colbert.
Hello, we are four girls : Anissa, Ornella, Sarah and Lætitia.
We are fourteen years old.
We are in 3°
We are very stressed because we have brevet (an exam at the end of year)
Anissa and Sarah are crazy and very funny.
Ornella and Laetitia are very serious and funny.
We love writing to better communicate in English and Spanish.
Good Bye !

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Around the blocks

Here are some views of the neighbourhood our schools are located in ,this is the place we cross everyday when we go to work, most of our pupils are living here.
The area is benefiting of a massive change thanks to an urban renovation project and the arrival of the Tram . Some buildings will be replaced with environmental friendly buildings and people will be rehoused.

Have look at the fresco m
ade by Najime Hocini with the help of our pupils of 4ème, last year.

The present buildings of the neighbourhood, two styles :

Renovations on a street next to the Collège

An environmental friendly building which will replace part of the old buildings

Georges Hébert Stadium, in which international competitions of athletics are held : you can see the Collège in the backgound.

As a History and Geography teacher of the Collège had a project about the re-discovery of the neighbourhood by his 6ème ( pupils aged 11), a walk around to prepare the visit allowed to have another vision of the area we cross everyday.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Working about some sustainability concepts!

Here you have some of the concepts we're are working about in the contemporary science class!!

Take a look!!

Wordle: Sustainability

Monday, 13 September 2010

Back again:)

Hello everyone! Back to school! and back to work on the project. At the Collège, we'll soon gather new members for the Comenius Club and we are are planning our activities.
We'll be working on metamorphosis, on architecture and painting, in French ,Art and English. More news very soon ;)

Examples of ecological architectures


Check the latest posts of Maisonvide here :

Archipelago of the Tuvatu

Sunday, 12 September 2010

New exhibition!! In Center of Contemporary Art La Panera

Welcome again to the frenetic activity of this super-project!!

We have a new opportunity to show our work done last april with collective BASURAMA. We're participating in an exhibition that has the objective of showing the artistics productions and works of all the centers an organizations that followed La Panera's exhibitions and educational proposes during last year.
The exhibition takes place in the Center of Contemporary Art LA PANERA, that you visited during your stay in Tàrrega.

Thursday, 1 July 2010


Hello dear eurofriends!!
Enjoy your holidays too and come back full of ideas and full of beans in September :)

The French team;)

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Happy Summer!!

Dear international friends!!
We wish you a fantastic summer and incredible holiday!!
We'll return in September!

Best wishes from the hot Spain!!


Sunday, 27 June 2010


Yesterday, Muriel and I visited the Foujita exhibition in our Musée des Beaux Arts in Rheims. This strange artist in whom you may recognize various infuences such as Botticelli, Bosh or even Dali, remained all his life ambivalent to the notion of religion in his paintings. He had the idea of builing a chapel in Rheims, which bears his name.

Have a look at these videos to get acquainted with his work and life.

This is a radio programme in French dedicated to Foujita :

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

The second film: abou the school

Here you have the second film done by our students. It's about our school!!

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Comenius Exhibition at College Colbert !

Here you have the pictures of the preparation of the Comenius exhibition which takes place in the library of the College.

Pupils selected the best pictures of the second mobility in Spain, they wrote some texts and drew about their feelings once back from the trip.
They are proud of their productions, and happy to share this unforgettable experience with all the pupils and teachers!

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Students' work about our natural, cultural and social environment

This is a mini-movie designed and filmed by the 2nd course students. The objective was to show the city context: cultural, natural and social environment, in a short creative film.
This is the result:

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Tarrega second mobilitie: fourth day

8.00 hours: Bus to BARCELONA on St. Jordi's day!!




Tarrega second mobilitie: third day

9.00 hours: Bus to Lleida

11.00 to 13.00 hours: Visit to Center or Contemporanian Art La Panera and LA SEU VELLA de Lleida

14.30 Lunch at school
16.30 hours: Organization of the final party in the school: exhibitions, speeches, puppets...
19.30 hours: Presentations of the italian works around the project : ISIS Andrea Torrente

Tarrega second Mobility: Second day

9 to 12:
Second artistic workshops session
Second Teacher's working session: activities calendar for the project from may to january 2011

12.30 hours: Visit to the wall paintings in Santa Maria de l’Alba church. The artist Josep Minguell, explained us his tecnique and artistic project.

14.00 hours: lunch at the school

16.30: Visit to the Espai Guinovart museum and the visual poetry house "Lo pardal" (Viladot) in the town of Agramunt.

Return to Tàrrega:
19.00 hours: general rehearsal in the theater for the actors of TOTS SOM ANTÍGONA.
21.00 hours, Performance of the play “TOTS SOM ANTÍGONA” in the Ateneu Theater.

Monday, 31 May 2010

Tarrega, second mobilitie: first day afternoon

16.00 hours: Visiting the artistic installation LONAMÀTIC 2010 near the train station, it was made by our pupils and the artistic collective BASURAMA during the week before the mobility (13-16 april). It was part of the activities for the project around sustainability, architecture, and contemporanian art.

17 hours: Guided visit to the Museu Comarcal and the city.
    19.00 hours: At last, the theater students with Sarah and François made a rehearsal for the play " TOTS SOM ANTÍGONA" in the local theater.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Tarrega, second mobilitie: first day Morning

Welcoming to the french and italian friends in the school at 9.00 hours
All the Batxillerat students, the direction members and teachers involved in the project welcomed warmly the teachers and students from the visitor schools : Collège Colbert (Reims-França), Lycée Colbert (Reims- França) and ISIS Andrea Torrente (Casoria- Nàpols- Itàlia).
The event took place in the school cloister. Mr. Pere Joan Vilallonga and the project coordinator Marta Agustí, said a little speech to welcome them. The 4 students that went to Reims the last december acted like as they were school ambassadors wishing the visitors a fantastic stay in our country and city.
After that the collegues of the collège and lycée Colbert showed us their works and activities around the project in the lecture hall

10.30 hours: Official reception at the city hall:

The major of Tàrrega Joan Amézaga, received us in the city hall. He proposed our visitors to discover our culture and language, and our city.

You can see it on the City Hall's web: Recepció d'estudiants italians i francesos a l'Ajuntament de Tàrrega


After, in the school, all the students, the italian, french and spanish ones, participated in 5 artistic workshops around different artistical techniques.

Iron works with Ivan Malé

Painting with Josep Minguell

Sculture with Miquel Gascón

Ceramics with Magí Sambola

Stained glass windows with Gerard Balcells

Meanwhile, the teachers celebrated the first working session, to check all the work done during the last period . The french team gave us recycled plastic flowers and a fantastic trivial game about sustainability.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Here you have an edited video of our work with the artistic collective BASURAMA.
Hope you like it!!

Monday, 17 May 2010

Encore merci pour ce séjour à Tarregà !

We are just watching how to connect on the blog with other teachers. Thanks again to all the spanish team for the 2nd mobility !

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Copyright Collège JB Colbert ;)

Copyright Collège JB Colbert ;)

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Saluti da Tarrega

Ciao, siamo in Spagna e va tutto benissimo!
hi¡ Sylvie we have a sunny , funny and very good second mobility¡ see you soon

Hi Sylvie

Hi Sylvie
Nice thoughts from Tarrega¡
Everything is going nicely ¡
Lots of kisses girl ¡

Sunday, 18 April 2010

A small gift:)

Here is the work done by Sarah and François in their Spanish class with Mrs Pardina along the week of the press that we celebrate each year in France.
(my mistake por la presa qué se dice la prensa, sorry!!)


Saturday, 17 April 2010


The works of pupils of 3eme of the College Colbert, about footprints and tracks on the landscape ! They use rubbing of materials with a pencil on a paper. So they took the imprint of this material (natural materials and manufactured materials ).
Than they composed a landscape with those imprints. They had to show their point of view about the impact, the tracks of humans beings on the landscape (optimist... pessimistic?).
Comènius week is here!!
Tàrrega is waiting for us with a lot of activities, work shops and new friends!!

We hope you'll have a great time with us!!

See you on Monday!!

Lots of kisses from all the School!!

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


Hi Friends!!

We are working hard to have all the activities ready for next week!
All the families are waiting for you to arrive!!

This week we're working in an artistic project with the artists collective BASURAMA.
Here you have some pictures about the place we're working ...we'll transform it with recycled elements like old wheels, advertising canvases...