Monday, 31 May 2010
Tarrega, second mobilitie: first day afternoon
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Tarrega, second mobilitie: first day Morning
Welcoming to the french and italian friends in the school at 9.00 hours
All the Batxillerat students, the direction members and teachers involved in the project welcomed warmly the teachers and students from the visitor schools : Collège Colbert (Reims-França), Lycée Colbert (Reims- França) and ISIS Andrea Torrente (Casoria- Nàpols- Itàlia).
The event took place in the school cloister. Mr. Pere Joan Vilallonga and the project coordinator Marta Agustí, said a little speech to welcome them. The 4 students that went to Reims the last december acted like as they were school ambassadors wishing the visitors a fantastic stay in our country and city.
After that the collegues of the collège and lycée Colbert showed us their works and activities around the project in the lecture hall
The major of Tàrrega Joan Amézaga, received us in the city hall. He proposed our visitors to discover our culture and language, and our city.
You can see it on the City Hall's web: Recepció d'estudiants italians i francesos a l'Ajuntament de Tàrrega
After, in the school, all the students, the italian, french and spanish ones, participated in 5 artistic workshops around different artistical techniques.
Iron works with Ivan Malé
Painting with Josep Minguell
Sculture with Miquel Gascón
Ceramics with Magí Sambola
Stained glass windows with Gerard Balcells
Meanwhile, the teachers celebrated the first working session, to check all the work done during the last period . The french team gave us recycled plastic flowers and a fantastic trivial game about sustainability.